уторак, 22. јануар 2013.

Beef And Onion Stew

Beef And Onion Stew

This is a very simple beef stew. I like to cook it with beef liver, but if you don’t like to use liver in your meals, just replace it with beef stew meat. This recipe is very easy, especially for those who haven’t yet dared to make stews. It is such a tasty dish, wich can be served as a main course with, my favorite mashed potato, rice or vegetables. Try it out.  

·         Beef liver, diced on small cubes 300g /10.5 oz/
·         5 medium onions, thinly sliced
·         Olive oil 1 tablespoon
·         Salt ½ teaspoon
·         Water

1.    In a saucepan combine onions, olive oil, beef liver and salt. Pour water over meat and bring to a boil.
2.    Reduce the heat on medium and continue cooking for 40 min. Add water constantly, to be over meat, until onion is completely soft and tender.
3.    Serve with mashed potato.

Calories: 230
Preparation time: 10 min   |   Cook time: 40 min   |  Serves: 3

Did You Know? That Louis Lassen in the 1990 inwented the hamburger!

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